Yesterday was Taco Tuesday, a tradition we quickly created at Via Giorgio Scalia... Too much pasta and pizza all the time (I've gotta find the gym, like, yesterday). And on my way home from class I decided I was going to buy a big 'ole bottle of wine for dinner.. cause when in Roma, do as the Romans do.. and drink lots of wine! So needless to say, I had a few glasses before we went out. We all were feeling pretty great and we decided to take the metro to our friends who live in northern Prati (Prati is the neighborhood we live in by the way.. neighborhoods are way different here).
Here's the part of the story that you might want to skip for a few different reasons:
1. If you're easily grossed out, stop reading now.
2. If you don't want to think I'm disgusting.
3. I can't believe I'm actually telling this story but Rachel said if I didn't tell it in full it wouldn't be funny.
Okkkkay, so I've been sick for like a week.. so with sickness comes lots of congestion, right? So as we're stepping onto the metro.. I get a lot of drainage.. well.. to be frank.. I really needed to hawk a lugi, classy lady.. I know. But hey, don't even judge me.. I know it's happened to all of you. Well I was about to spit it out BUT there's a freaking POLICE OFFICER sitting oh you know 5 feet from me. So I'm thinkin' it's fine, it takes like 2 minutes to get to our stop. Two minutes, no big deal right?
OH NO. Then the freaking gypsy lady comes up with her "moo cow toy".. she presses a button and it makes a "mooooo" noise and then she shakes the cup in front of our faces trying to get us to give her money. Then she finally notices that I'm not talking (because I can't remember or I'll spit all over myself) and she shakes the cup in my face. AND THEN SHE STARTED HITTING ME, I WAS BEING SLAPPED BY A GYPSY ON THE METRO! So as she was hitting me she was making a mouthing action with her hand & for a moment I contemplated spitting into her cup because she really wanted me to talk.
In then end I gave her 10 cents.
Yep, gross. I had to hawk and lugi and I was molested by a gypsy, awesome.